
Surprising Insights About Success, Straight To Your Inbox

"Dude, Greg, I f*cking loved this one. Thank you. " —Krystal F.



Mindset Greg Faxon Mindset Greg Faxon

12 Ways to Get Re-Inspired When You Feel Like Quitting Your Coaching Business

If they're being honest, most coaches will tell you that they think about quitting a lot. The frequency with which they think about it usually depends on how stable their business is. When things are going well, those thoughts can be few and far between. When things feel like a struggle, they might think about getting a normal job or starting a different business every single day. This begs the question: why do so many people, in one of the best careers of all time, think about quitting so often?

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Mindset Greg Faxon Mindset Greg Faxon

Why Less Talented Coaches Are Succeeding Faster Than You (And How To Change That)

If I could turn back the clock on my coaching business, there’s one thing I would do differently… I wouldn’t try to reinvent the wheel so much. For some reason I’m always tempted to innovate right off the bat when I’m new to something. And then I look around at people who are less talented than me and wonder why they they are making faster progress. Well, the reason is because they did what they were told!

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Mindset Greg Faxon Mindset Greg Faxon

The Real Reason Why Most Coaches Fail

The unfortunate truth is that most people who start coaching businesses end up having to shut them down. This is true in any industry, of course. Most entrepreneurs fail. But it's particularly frustrating for me to see it happen to coaches because these are people who want to unleash potential and they are often really good at it. So, why aren't there more successful coaches out there? It all comes down to consistency. Most coaches can't consistently generate enough clients to keep their business afloat.

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Read “Don’t Let The Fear Win”

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