Laziness Is Actually The Key To Self-Discipline

I used to think that discipline was about waking up at 5am and taking cold showers.

Then I realized that I like hitting snooze and cuddling with my wife.

So I created a concept I call Lazy Self-Discipline.

It's pretty simple. I just ask myself:

"How would the laziest person on earth achieve this goal?"

Then I do that.

To everyone else, I might seem disciplined. I have a six figure business. I have a six pack. But really, I just structure my life in a way that requires less effort.

Here are 10 strategies that I recommend:

1. Lower your expectations

It's better to undercommit than it is to break a promise to yourself. So assume you will only do one hour of focused work each day. Then ask, "How would I spend this hour if it was all I had today?" This forces you to prioritize.

2. Imitate others

Don't try to reinvent the wheel. Find someone who has already accomplished the goal and do what they did. For example, I follow Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 even though I know a lot about strength training and could design my own program.

3. Optimize your environment

It's hard to quit drinking if you work at a bar. Surround yourself with places and people who naturally encourage the type of behavior that you want. This may be the biggest secret to self-discipline.

4. Leave it to the last minute

If there is no deadline, or if it's too far away, you'll have to rely on willpower. Instead, pick a tight deadline and make it so you're letting someone down if you don't meet it. This is better than just telling someone that you'll do something.

5. Embrace instant gratification

Find ways of accomplishing your long term goal that feel good in the short term. For example, there are lots of ways to market your business. Choose one you enjoy instead of searching for the best one. If you can't find a way to enjoy the process, just say: "I'll feel better about myself after I do this."

6. Sleep

It's hard to make good choices when you're tired.

7. Eat

It's hard to make good choices when you're hungry.

8. Fake it 'till you make it

When you take on a new identity, you assume the traits of that person. For example, if you start calling yourself a vegan, you'll feel social pressure to eat that way in front of others.

9. Cut yourself some slack

Real discipline isn't about how often you mess up. It's about how quickly you get back on track. For example, the worst thing you can do when you get distracted at work is to beat yourself up about it. Forgive yourself and move on.

10. Know when to quit

Notice if something feels like a "should." It's much easier to be disciplined in the pursuit of something you "want." If you can't get yourself to lose weight no matter how hard you try, perhaps losing weight isn't a priority right now. There's power in knowing that because you can focus on something else.

I'll leave you with this:

The root of the word discipline is “disciple,” meaning “student.”

Self-discipline is all about being a student of yourself.

So don't say, "I'll try harder next time."

Ask, "What did I learn?"


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