Case Study: Max Went From Charging $125 Per Hour to $6,000 Per Package

Maximum Rosencrantz helps people change the beliefs, programming, and conditioning that underpins their unwanted behaviors and emotions. We worked privately together for 6 months starting in July 2021.

Learn more about working with Greg:

What made you want to work with Greg?

When I reached out to Greg, I was at a point in the business where I was ready to start taking the business side of things more seriously. So I was a little bit frustrated and very excited, very motivated. Up until that point, I'd been kind of spinning my wheels. I didn't have clarity on what to work on and where I was going. I was ready to take that next step and launch the business more seriously.

Prior to joining our 1-1 coaching program, Max took one of our courses. He went from charging $125 per hour to $500 per month for 3 month contracts. During the course, he got 3 clients for a total of $4,500. Here’s an email that he sent us while taking the course.

My two biggest concerns about working with Greg were one, is this going to be a good investment, am I going to get a good return on this? And two, does Greg actually have the chops as a coach to coach me? Because, until that point, I'd really seen him in a teaching context and in a sales context, but I hadn't seen him as coach.

What was the experience like?

What I liked most about working with Greg was probably his sense of humor. He definitely has the coaching chops. The first session we went super deep, which set kind of a high bar for the whole engagement. That definitely put me at ease knowing he can hold it. He can go deep. He's got the coaching capacity. Allowed us to be a little bit more playful in a lot of the rest of the sessions. And also he's got such a breadth of experience and can coach well in any domain.

Working with Greg can help you figure out what is it that you should be investing your time in and energy in that will actually help you succeed as a coach.
— Maximum Rosencrantz

The biggest thing that I took away from working with Greg was to keep it simple and put myself out there. For me, those are just the two keys. If I hadn't hired Greg, I probably would've just kept spinning my wheels, gotten more and more frustrated, not having any clarity on what to do, and then potentially like going back to getting a full-time job if it didn't work out.

What specific results have you achieved?

✅ Booked a new three month client at $2,000 and then I bumped my rates and booked a six month client at $6,000, which was my biggest client to date. Then I signed my first client at $1,200 per month for 3 months.

✅ Got a lot of clarity on where to focus my energy and attention, what I should be doing on a daily and weekly basis to make progress on my bigger goals.

✅ Developed a lot of confidence in my ability to sell and to enroll people and increased my conversion rate on calls (even while raising my prices).

Would you recommend working with Greg?

I would say you should work with Greg if you're at a point where you're ready to take your coaching business more seriously, you're ready to make a bigger commitment. And you're someone who's proactive and ready and willing to take action, but right now you just don't know what to be working on. Because working with Greg can help you figure out what is it that you should be investing your time in and energy in that will actually help you succeed as a coach.

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