How I Structure My Work Days to Run a Six Figure Coaching Business

In this video, you’ll learn how I structure my days for maximum effectiveness and productivity. It allows me to get new clients, serve existing ones, and manage my team. All while spending only about 3 hours max per weekday on calls.

I named this strategy the “4 quarter method” because I divide each work day up into 4 different parts. If you want to know what happens during each quarter, watch the video below:


The more tumultuous things get around you, the more important it is to have a solid structure and foundation for getting work done and moving your business forward. I wanted to talk to you a little bit about how I structure my days, my weekdays for maximum effectiveness, maximum productivity, and giving me the best shot at winning new clients.

Okay. There's really four different components, four quarters of any given day for me. The first quarter from about 6:00 AM to 9:00 AM, I wake up at six and I start work at nine. In between that time, that's for building my personal foundation, working out, having coffee and breakfast with my wife, meditating, journaling on my goals, prepping my one to three most important things for the day that I'm going to get done, all of that. By the time I get into work at nine, I am in a good place. My energy's in a good place. I know what I need to focus on. My mindset is dialed in. That's the first quarter.

The second quarter from nine to about 12 is when I tackle those most important things. Typically, I don't have calls during the first three hours of my workday from nine to 12. The exception right now is Tuesdays, which is when I'll take sales calls. Tuesdays is my sales themed day. I will take sales calls in the morning on Tuesdays. But otherwise, my other days, I'm working on marketing, I'm working on client delight, working on strategy or my team stuff. This is time that's focused time for me. It's distraction-free. It's an opportunity for me to actually look at what needs to get done, what needs good thinking time, and just get into a productive mode without people pinging me, without me getting on and off of calls.

The third quarter of my day from about 2:30 to 5:30, those three hours, that's typically for taking calls. I'm on enrollment calls with the potential clients, I'm coaching my existing clients, I'm on calls with my team, et cetera. Those three hours are really reactive time. What I like about doing it this way is you can be proactive in the morning. The earlier in the morning it is, the more important the things are, but the least accountable I am to doing those things like working out, doing your most important focus timework, meditating. No one's really going to make sure I do those. I like to put the things that I can be reactive to checking email, getting on calls for after lunch. Okay. I'll even use an app like SelfControl or Freedom for Mac to block my email and distracting sites until I get done with lunch. In the afternoon, that's when I'm reacting to emails. That's when I'm going on Facebook, social media, processing that stuff. I'm on calls with clients or potential clients.

Final part of my day, the last three hours from about 5:30 or 6:00 to 9:00 is when I'm eating dinner, being with my wife. Sometimes we'll see friends in person. Right now, with everything that's going on, we'll Zoom friends or something like that. That's for the social side of things. It's for me to be with my wife and me to have an off-ramp for the day. That way, I'm not working until 9:00 PM and trying to suddenly wind down in 30 minutes and go to bed. That's how I structure my day. There's four parts. There's building the foundation, six to nine. There's focus time for most important things from nine to twelve. There's reactive time, calls, clients, et cetera, in the afternoon. And then, in the evening is time to unwind and have social time with my partner and my friends.

Hope that was helpful. When you have a template like this, you're able to slot in the things to their appropriate times. Instead of your calendar running you, you're in charge of your calendar. Again, the crazier things get around you. The more important it is that you have a plan day to day and that you have a structure that gives you that confidence, that comfort, and allows you to keep getting things done even in the midst of some craziness. Hope that was helpful for you and we'll talk soon.


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