Case Study: Corrie Found Her Focus and Turned It Into a Signature Program

Corrie Logiudice helps people validate their business idea, get their first clients, and become real entrepreneurs. She worked with me 1-1 for 12 months. Here’s Corrie:

Learn more about working with Greg:

The following was pulled from Corrie’s feedback form at the end of our engagement:

What made you want to work with Greg?

I had been in business for around a year and was having difficulty picking a path and sticking to it. It was making me nuts since I was avoiding all the advice I usually tell my own clients and knew it. I was very unfocused and kept changing tactics. Also, while I had a huge social media audience I wasn't having any success getting them to buy anything from me.

When I got on the phone with Greg I hadn't seen his testimonials yet. Also, the investment terrified me! But I wanted a simplified, streamlined business that worked for me as opposed to me working for it.

What was the experience like?

I honestly love how blunt Greg is. As a New Yorker that's something I highly value. He wasn’t afraid to call me on my own BS and that was something I really needed over the last year.

The biggest transformation for me was surrounding mindset. I was self-sabotaging myself in some pretty major ways. I now have much more self-awareness.

What specific results have you achieved?

✅ I no longer second guess my own business decisions. I've increased my confidence significantly. I’m totally clear on who I’m meant to serve.

✅ Within the first three months of working together, I landed my first $9k private client (the most I’ve ever charged for coaching).

✅ I'm now taking my validated group program and turning the program, as well as its lead generation, evergreen. That way I can enjoy more time with my kids while they're still young.

Would you recommend working with Greg?

I would! Definitely for any coaches looking to get clear on who they are and how they can best serve others.


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