Case Study: How Claire Filled Multiple Group Programs To Address Climate Change

Claire Osborne helps sustainability leaders be a greater force for change in the climate crisis. We have worked privately together starting in January 2022.

Learn more about working with Greg:

What made you want to work with Greg?

When I reached out to Greg, I had a pretty clear idea of a new niche I wanted to serve; so I really understood their problems and I had the bones of a proposition that I wanted to serve them with, but I didn't have any clarity about how I was gonna get them onto that proposition. And so I really needed to figure out what my messages were, what my marketing channels were, and how to set up all of those processes so that people came on board and I established really positive relationships with people.

My biggest concern about working with Greg was hands down the price. He came across as having all the information that he needed to help me. He had plenty of insight and like we'd get along really well, but I just wasn't entirely certain at the time that the investment was gonna pay. And so I really wanted to get enough cash to support me so it was going to generate return.

What was the experience like?

What I really liked about working with Greg was he helped me not only see the things that I should be doing, but the things that I didn't need to be doing. The things that I could have been investing a ton of time and energy in that really weren't going to move the needle. And so, that just helped me be more efficient and get more out of my time. And when you own a business, that is just entirely invaluable.

The big takeaway from working with Greg was techniques on how to sell, which didn't sell pushy or sleazy. One example, I was running a webinar and he really helped me understand how I could close off that webinar in a way which invited people into book consults, but didn't feel like it cheapened all of the valuable information relationship building that I put in place before. And, you know, off the back of those webinars, they consistently generate new consults and connect me with people who are really just valuing and interested in my service.

If I hadn't hired Greg, I think it's actually a little bit difficult to picture where I would be today because it so vastly different - there are so many little course corrections that Greg has helped me with that have this knock of impact for my confidence that mean that I'm able to be a better coach and build better relationships - that it feels like everything would be different. And I'm really not sure that I would be serving the number of clients in the quality that I am now.

What specific results have you achieved?

✅ Since working with Greg, I have completely filled my client list with target clients that I was looking to bring on board for my programs.

✅ The really big takeaway is this confidence that I get from now having this repeatable process that I can run through when I want to bring on new clients.

✅ The other big success is becoming recognised as a leader in this space in such a short time - I’m now regularly being invited to speak at industry events, podcasts and am being featured in a book on women ecopreneurs.

Would you recommend working with Greg?

I think you should work with Greg if you've have some foundational knowledge around what it means to serve clients and sell yourself as a coach, and you're looking for a push to take you to the next step. And so you are probably gonna be planning a new program or a new marketing campaign, and you're gonna be able to put Greg to really great use in maximizing that campaign and making sure that it's a success.

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