Growing Your Business Is About To Get So Much Easier.

Some days, you love your business. Other days, it feels like a prison.

  • Staring at the wall, wondering when your next lead will come in

  • Chained to the computer in solitary confinement (a.k.a. your home office)

  • Counting down the days until you run out of money and return to normal society

The more of these days you have, the less sustainable your business becomes.

If you feel like you quit your job only to build a second cage, don’t worry. I’ve got the key. But first, let me explain how I discovered it.

As a coach, I work primarily with service-based businesses: think branding consultants, photographers, executive coaches, etc.  My clients are high-achievers who want to build a business around their unique expertise. A business that supports the life they want. 

In my courses and speaking, I share the strategies I use to make a six figure income, working just 25-30 hours per week, without using social media. When I’m not working, you’ll find me snowboarding, rock climbing, or paddleboarding with my wife and our 3-legged pitbull.

Hi, I'm Greg. Peak Performance Coach for Entrepreneurs.


But it wasn’t always this way.

For years, I struggled to balance ambition and contentment. I launched my business thinking it would make me happy, and generated over a million dollars in sales by my 30th birthday. But as I blew out the candles on my cake, I realized that I still felt unfulfilled. My wish? To develop a healthier, more sustainable relationship with work.

One day, I discovered a simple 4 word mantra that changed everything: High intention, low attachment. It allowed me to reach my revenue goals with more ease and less stress.

Now I help other entrepreneurs use this mantra to reclaim their peace, time, and freedom. The results have been dramatic.

I’d love to help you put this powerful philosophy to work in your business.


"If it doesn’t scare you, it’s probably not worth doing.”


AGE 22

Quit my cushy consulting job to become a life coach (weird move)

AGE 24

Had my first 6-figure year, wrote “Don’t Let The Fear Win”

AGE 30

Hit $1m+ in total sales, teaching other coaches how to get clients


Helping all types of entrepreneurs become more successful than me

Read “Don’t Let The Fear Win”


Work 1-1 with Greg