
Surprising Insights About Success, Straight To Your Inbox

"Dude, Greg, I f*cking loved this one. Thank you. " —Krystal F.



Greg Faxon Greg Faxon

Client Story: Abby Spindelman

Abby Spindelman specializes in helping people bring more intimacy to their relationships. She joined my 8-week group coaching program in January 2017. Here's her story...

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Greg Faxon Greg Faxon

Annual Review For 2016: The Year Of Grounding

Have you taken the time to review 2016 yet? If not, I would highly recommend it. An annual review is a process by which you look back at the previous year as a whole and then apply the lessons you learned to your strategy for the new year. I've conducted an annual review every year since the start of my business and it's made a big difference for me.

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Greg Faxon Greg Faxon

Client Story: Samantha Thomas

Samantha Thomas is a life coach who specializes in helping people who are returning home after living abroad to transition smoothly, rediscover a sense of home and create their ideal life. She joined my 8-week group coaching program in September 2016. Here's her story...

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Read “Don’t Let The Fear Win”

Work 1-1 with Greg